
How do I attend classes at the PH Freiburg and vice versa?

The Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg and the Universität Freiburg concluded a cooperation agreement on teacher training in October 2014. The objectives include joint master's programs in secondary education, cooperation on bachelor's programs in secondary education, and close coordination in the design of information technology requirements for joint teaching programs. The following describes how students of the two universities can take the mutually approved courses and gain access to the IT systems of the other university.

PH-accounts for students of University of Freiburg

Since the winter semester 2022/23, all students in the study programs Polyvalent Two-Major Bachelor's Program and Master of Education will automatically be enrolled at the University of Freiburg when they enroll at the Albert Ludwig University and will automatically receive PH accounts in addition to the university account. This does not apply to students who object to the data transfer.

This is not yet valid for students who are only enrolled in the extension master. The corresponding agreements between the universities are still missing here.

As of mid-October 2022, there are still delays on the part of the PH in the creation of PH accounts and enrollment.

Enrolled university students will receive a notification email about their PH account and can activate it online. In doing so, it is necessary to confirm the recognition of the IDM University Regulations of PH Freiburg. The procedure is described at the Wiki of PH Freiburg.

Uni-Accounts für PH-Student

See here:!kooperation/info_ph-studierende

Opening of university courses for PH students (teaching export of the university).

University staff members can find detailed instructions on how to share courses under
Veranstaltung | Lehrveranstaltungen der Universität Freiburg für PH-Studierende freigeben (Lehrexport).

Opening of courses of the PH Freiburg for university students (teaching import from the PH)

University staff members can find detailed instructions on how to import courses under
Veranstaltung | Lehrveranstaltungen der PH Freiburg in das Lehrangebot der Universität Freiburg importieren.

Information from PH Freiburg on the procedure!kooperation/start

Terminschiene für den Datenaustausch Accounterzeugung (PH) bzw. Immatrikulation und Accounterzeugung (Uni)

Termine ab Sommersemester 2019

Terminschiene für den Datenaustausch Veranstaltungsbelegungen